Sunday, August 21, 2011

NCST's Drug Prevetion Month

Being an AB Communication student, we were assigned to cover the event in our school (Aug. 12, 2011).
To start the program, a Mass was held at the school gymnasium by 9:30 in the morning.  The NCST choir sung for the opening part of the mass.  After the first reading, the priest started the homily. It was about the different effects of using prohibited drugs on family ties, since it was related to the theme of the program. The NCSTians, listens attentively to the priest as he gave them advice and discusses the importance of guidance of  parents to our youth today.  After the homily was the communion followed by the gift offerings of the students.  When the mass was about to end, the choir sung once again. And also with the help of Mrs. Tiongson the mass ended meaningful and organized.
NCSTians during the communion.
NCST choir preparing their last song at the end part of the mass.

                                                                 The Slogan Contest 

                The entries of the contestants of Slogan contest were first submitted at the school clinic,             afterwards were displayed at the school gym. There were eight works checked by Mrs.   Tiongson . Each of the entries was judged according to the set standards.

                                               Jingle Writing & Performing it on Stage Contest

                The program was resumed at 1:00 pm, for the Jingle Writing & performing it on stage Contest.   The two emcees introduced the panel of judges and also the criteria for judging. The first group contestant were composed of three boys.  Their composition was written in English, while the composition of second group contestants was written in our own language. The two groups performed very well and they gave their best to win.

Poster Making Contest

 The participants in this contest made their entries on the spot. Each of them has his/her spot     to draw and they were very eager to win.  When they were all finished, they submitted their work at the person-in-charge of checking and judging their works. Their entries were also displayed at the gym afterwards.

The Torch Parade

                After the contest were done. The students prepare for the Torch Parade. The ROTC officials,     Police Interns, Instructors were also there to maintain the ordinance of the said activity. Each of  the course department made a three-line to follow. The parade starts at the Annex Bldg. going to the left side of the street, going down near the church and then they stopped for a while. The parade caught the people’s attention to the NCST’s advocacy against Prohibited Drugs. The parade continues down to the road near the 7-11 crossing the pedestrian lane and going back again to the school. The students took a short break for it was a very tiresome parade. And then they prepared themselves for the Drug Prevention Month Finale----the Torch Lighting Activity.

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